Running is my meditation, mind flush, cosmic telephone, mood elevator and spiritual communion.
For me, running is a lifestyle and an art. I'm more interested in the magic of it than the mechanics.
For me, running is a lifestyle and an art. I'm far more interested in the magic of it than the mechanics. It's that interest and exploration that make running fun for me. It's easy to become outcome-focused; for me the unfoldment of self is what is meaningful in running and outlasts any medals.
Throw away your 10-function chronometer, heart-rate monitor with the computer printout, training log, high-tech underwear, pace charts, and laboratory-rat-tested-air-injected-gel-lined-mo-tion-control-top-of-the-line footwear. Run with your own imagination.
What the mind can believe, you can achieve.
Thanks to the race-day adrenaline rush, any pace will feel easier than normal. So make a conscious effort to hold back in the early miles.
At that time in my life I implicitly understood something that adults seem to have forgotton: that we do have control over our own bodies. I forgot that many times as an adult, too; but sometimes when I was in the flow and running with complete confidence, I would remember that feeling and know that I could will my body to do my bidding. On those days I was unbeatable.
At least in a race you have mile markers and know how long you have to go. Labor is like running as hard as you can without knowing where the finish line is.