Mahatma Gandhi Quotes - Page 63

If you must kill English officials, why not kill me instead?
God has enabled me to affect the life of the country since 1920 without the necessity of office.
God will rule the lives of all those who will surrender themselves without reservation to Him.
If God is not a personal being for me like my earthly father, He is infinitely more.
If God is vast and boundless as the ocean, how can a tiny drop like man imagine what He is?
I recognise no God except the God that is to be found in the hearts of the dumb millions.
I worship the God that is Truth or Truth which is God through the service of these millions.
It is my unmistakable belief that not a blade of grass moves but by the divine will.
Let me say that God will send me the plan when He gives the word as He has done before now.
My religion says that only he who is prepared to suffer can pray to God.
A fear-stricken person can never know God, and one who knows God will never fear a mortal man.
A personal selfish prayer is bad whether made before an image or an unseen God.