Mahatma Gandhi Quotes - Page 94

Indeed, a civil resister offers resistance only when peace becomes impossible.
For a firm believer in swadeshi, there need be no Pharisaical self-satisfaction in wearing khadi.
Ravana was a rakshasa but this rakshasi of untouchability is even more terrible than Ravana.
God's grace and revelation are the monopoly of no race or nation.
He who spins before the poor, inviting them to do likewise, serves God as no one else does.
If we weep for all the deaths in our country, the tears in our eyes would never dry.
The spinning wheel is not meant to oust a single man or woman from his or her occupation.
He who has a living faith in God will not do evil deeds with name of God on his lips.
If we have listening ears, God speaks to us in our own language, whatever that language be