
Marcus Tullius Cicero Quotes - Page 16

That last day does not bring extinction to us, but change of place.

That last day does not bring extinction to us, but change of place.

"Tusculanarum Disputationum". Book by Marcus Tullius Cicero (Book I, Chapter 49), translated, 45 BC.

It is graceful in a man to think and to speak with propriety, to act with deliberation, and in every occurrence of life to find out and persevere in the truth. On the other hand, to be imposed upon, to mistake, to falter, and to be deceived, is as ungraceful as to rave or to be insane.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (1855). “Cicero's Three books of offices, or moral duties: also his Cato Major, an essay on old age; Lælius, an essay on friendship; Paradoxes; Scipio's dream; and Letter to Quintus on the duties of a magistrate”, p.48

This excessive licence, which the anarchists think is the only true freedom, provides the stock, as it were, from which a tyrant grows.

Marcus Tullius Cicero, Niall Rudd (2008). “The Republic and The Laws”, p.31, Oxford University Press

Friendship is the only thing in the world concerning the usefulness of which all mankind are agreed.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (1750). “Thoughts of Cicero: On the Following Subjects, Viz. I. Religion. II. Man. III. Conscience. IV. The Passions. V. Wisdom. VI. Probity. VII. Eloquence. VIII. Friendship. IX. Old Age. X. Death. XI. Scipio's Dream. XII. Miscellaneous Thoughts”, p.213

As I approve of a youth that has something of the old man in him, so I am no less pleased with an old man that has something of the youth. He that follows this rule may be old in body, but can never be so in mind.

Marcus Tullius Cicero, Pierre-Joseph Thoulier Olivet, Alexander WISHART (1750). “Thoughts of Cicero, on the following subjects, viz. I. Religion, II. Man ... XII. Miscellaneous thoughts. Published in Latin and French by the Abbé d'Olivet; to which is now added, an English translation, with notes. [By Alexander Wishart.]”, p.239

Persistence in a single view has never been regarded as a merit in political leaders.

"Epistulae ad Familiares (Letters to Friends)". Book by Marcus Tullius Cicero (Book I, Chapter 9, Section 21), 62-43 BC.

Reason should direct, and appetite obey.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (1855). “Cicero's Three books of offices, or moral duties: also his Cato Major, an essay on old age; Lælius, an essay on friendship; Paradoxes; Scipio's dream; and Letter to Quintus on the duties of a magistrate”, p.52

While the sick man has life, there is hope.

"Epistulae ad Atticum (Letters to Atticus)". Book by Marcus Tullius Cicero (Book IX, Chapter 10, Section 4), 68-43 BC.

While there's life, there's hope.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (1880). “The Life and Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero: Being a New Translation of the Letters Included in Mr. Watsons's Selection”

This is the part of a great man, after he has maturely weighed all circumstances, to punish the guilty, to spare the many, and in every state of fortune not to depart from an upright, virtuous conduct.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (1855). “Cicero's Three books of offices, or moral duties: also his Cato Major, an essay on old age; Lælius, an essay on friendship; Paradoxes; Scipio's dream; and Letter to Quintus on the duties of a magistrate”, p.42

Hatred is a settled anger.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (1853). “The Academic Questions, Treatise de Finibus, and Tusculan Disputations, of Marcus Tullius Cicero: With a Sketch of the Greek Philosophers Mentioned by Cicero”, p.406