
Margaret Sanger Quotes - Page 4

Eugenics, which had started long before my time, had once been defined as including free love and prevention of conception... Recently it had cropped up again in the form of selective breeding.

Margaret Sanger, Michael W. Perry, H. G. Wells (2003). “The Pivot of Civilization in Historical Perspective: The Birth Control Classic”, p.40, Inkling Books

Never be ashamed of passion. If you are strongly sexed, you are richly endowed.

Margaret Sanger (2013). “Happiness in Marriage”, p.21, Elsevier

We gather perfect fruit from perfect trees.

Margaret Sanger (2005). “Woman and the New Race”, p.233, Cosimo, Inc.

Organized charity itself is. . . the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and is perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents and dependents

Margaret Sanger, Michael W. Perry, H. G. Wells (2003). “The Pivot of Civilization in Historical Perspective: The Birth Control Classic”, p.338, Inkling Books