
Mark Ruffalo Quotes about Energy

Folks should be able to harvest, store, use, or sell their own energy as they see fit. This is not a Democratic nor Republican issue, and if anyone tries to convince you it is, they are being purposely misleading.

Folks should be able to harvest, store, use, or sell their own energy as they see fit. This is not a Democratic nor Republican issue, and if anyone tries to convince you it is, they are being purposely misleading.

"ORIGIN Interview: Mark Ruffalo on Climate Change, the Monopoly on Our Energy Systems, Fighting Fracking, the True Cost of Fossil Fuel Pollution, Showing Compassion, and Being Who You Say You Are". Interview with Leilani Münter, April 27, 2016.

Today, wind is the cheapest energy in America; solar is not far behind. In time, fossil fuels will only get more and more expensive.

"ORIGIN Interview: Mark Ruffalo on Climate Change, the Monopoly on Our Energy Systems, Fighting Fracking, the True Cost of Fossil Fuel Pollution, Showing Compassion, and Being Who You Say You Are". Interview with Leilani Münter, April 27, 2016.

By electrifying our lives, we reduce our energy costs by 39 percent, which is a huge savings in itself.

"ORIGIN Interview: Mark Ruffalo on Climate Change, the Monopoly on Our Energy Systems, Fighting Fracking, the True Cost of Fossil Fuel Pollution, Showing Compassion, and Being Who You Say You Are". Interview with Leilani Münter, April 27, 2016.

Whoever controls your energy controls your destiny. 100 percent renewable energy is 100 percent American.

"ORIGIN Interview: Mark Ruffalo on Climate Change, the Monopoly on Our Energy Systems, Fighting Fracking, the True Cost of Fossil Fuel Pollution, Showing Compassion, and Being Who You Say You Are". Interview with Leilani Münter, April 27, 2016.

I am grateful to the fossil fuel industry for bringing us the concentrated carbon that took us through the Industrial Revolution and through the technological revolution and brought us to the gateway of the renewable energy revolution, or what I call the sunlight revolution. But that is where we must part ways. It's the natural order.

"ORIGIN Interview: Mark Ruffalo on Climate Change, the Monopoly on Our Energy Systems, Fighting Fracking, the True Cost of Fossil Fuel Pollution, Showing Compassion, and Being Who You Say You Are". Interview with Leilani Münter, April 27, 2016.