
Mary Astell Quotes

All Quotes Design Heart

If God had not intended that Women shou'd use their Reason, He wou'd not have given them any, 'for He does nothing in vain.

Mary Astell, Bridget Hill (1986). “The first English feminist: reflections upon marriage and other writings”

Truth is strong, and sometime or other will prevail.

Mary Astell, Patricia Springborg (1996). “Astell: Political Writings”, p.78, Cambridge University Press

We must Think what we Say, and Mean what we Profess.

Mary Astell, Patricia Springborg (1996). “Astell: Political Writings”, p.45, Cambridge University Press

Women are from their very infancy debarred those Advantages with the want of which they are afterwards reproached.

1694 A Serious Proposal to the Ladies For the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest,'By a Lover of Her Sex', pt.1.

Ignorance and a narrow education lay the foundation of vice, and imitation and custom rear it up.

Mary Astell (2002). “A Serious Proposal to the Ladies”, p.67, Broadview Press

A woman indeed can't properly be said to choose, all that is allowed her, is to refuse or accept what is offered.

1706 Some Reflections upon Marriage Occasion'd by the Duke and Duchess of Mazarine's Case which is also consider'd, preface (1706 edn).

Your glass will not do you half so much service as a serious reflection on your own minds.

1694 A Serious Proposal to the Ladies For the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest,'By a Lover of Her Sex', pt.1.

Women are not so well united as to form an Insurrection. They are for the most part wise enough to love their Chains, and to discern how becomingly they fit.

Mary Astell, Patricia Springborg (1996). “Astell: Political Writings”, p.29, Cambridge University Press

How can a Man respect his Wife when he has a contemptible Opinion of her and her Sex?

Mary Astell, Patricia Springborg (1996). “Astell: Political Writings”, p.57, Cambridge University Press

Why is Slavery so much condemn'd and strove against in one Case, and so highly applauded and held so necessary and so sacred in another?

1706 Some Reflections upon Marriage Occasion'd by the Duke and Duchess of Mazarine's Case which is also consider'd, preface (1706 edn).

That Man indeed can never be good at heart, who is full of himself and his own Endowments.

Mary Astell, Patricia Springborg (1996). “Astell: Political Writings”, p.47, Cambridge University Press

Women need not take up with mean things, since (if they are not wanting to themselves) they are capable of the best.

Mary Astell (2002). “A Serious Proposal to the Ladies”, p.59, Broadview Press

But, alas! what poor Woman is ever taught that she should have a higher Design than to get her a Husband?

Mary Astell, Patricia Springborg (1996). “Astell: Political Writings”, p.65, Cambridge University Press