
Mary E. DeMuth Quotes

We cannot let the haters of this world define us. Or frighten us into no longer being ourselves.

Mary E DeMuth (2012). “Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus”, p.48, Thomas Nelson

Dare to be brave today, and trust that when you extend your wings, you will fly.

Mary E DeMuth (2012). “Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus”, p.71, Thomas Nelson

The roadblocks to growth and joy come when we forget the bigness of God & instead make people bigger than He is.

Mary E DeMuth (2013). “The Wall Around Your Heart: How Jesus Heals You When Others Hurt You”, p.53, Thomas Nelson

We grow when the walls press in. We grow when life steals our control. We grow in the darkness.

"Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus". Book by Mary E. DeMuth, 2012.

Our task shouldn't be punishing the villains in our lives, but enlarging the God who heals us from all wounds.

Mary E DeMuth (2012). “Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus”, p.34, Thomas Nelson

When we think of other people as our center and fulfillment, we live frustrated lives.

Mary E DeMuth (2012). “Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus”, p.34, Thomas Nelson

Jesus often calls us to risk. He asks us to be vulnerable, to be authentic, so others can see Him in and through us.

Mary E DeMuth (2012). “Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus”, p.30, Thomas Nelson

Growth comes from God, to those with surrendered, yielded hearts.

Mary E DeMuth (2012). “Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus”, p.30, Thomas Nelson