Silence kills scandal.
To avoid doing anything, wait for the right circumstances.
Reading gives you some place to go when you have to stay where you are.
The tragic hero prefers death to prudence. The comedian prefers playing tricks to winning. Only the villain really plays to win.
In describing someone's character, I reveal my own.
I love you is the inscription on Pandora's box.
The irrational may be attractive in the abstract, but not in cab drives, dinner guests, or elderly relatives.
The great advantage of a new friend is that we have not yet found one another out.
I keep eating for fear I will be hungry.
Work saves us from melancholy. Pleasure exposes us to it.
Photography knows how to authenticate its misrepresentations.
Pessimists fear becoming the dupes of Hope. Optimists enjoy Hope's company, and consider being duped no great matter.
Moderation in all things is best, but it's pretty hard to get excited about it.
Those who refuse to play second fiddle may wind up playing no fiddle at all.
A goldfish is reason enough for living, if someone needs a reason.
Your need to talk does not create in me a need to listen.
Some eras worship infancy; some, the aged. None as yet has adored middle age.
Being charming takes time and effort, and I am busy.
When I prayed for success, I forgot to ask for sound sleep and good digestion.
With age, I have become both more pious and more shameless.
At sixty, I know little more about wisdom than I did at thirty, but I know a great deal more about folly.
Think carefully before asking for justice. Mercy might be safer.
I love money, but will money ever love me in return?
At the end of every diet, the path curves back to the trough.
In love, we worry more about the meaning of silences than the meaning of words.