Show enough regret, and your refusal will inspire gratitude.
I read here and there in books, enjoying the examples and ignoring the argument.
Readers transform a library from a mausoleum into many theaters.
Avid readers are enchanted by meaning, which is available chiefly in books.
If you do not throw in a few promises of better things to come, gloomy one, I am going to take you back to the library.
The privacy of reading frees us to entertain the alien.
Reading a great book causes jolts and frights.
Reading more than life teaches us to recognize ethos and pathos.
I dream of summing everything up in the greatest sentence ever written.
Always leave room for the reader to supply meanings.
Writing is a refuge from unhappiness, but has its own sorrows.
Sex and writing live on playful cruelties.
Even in the midst of love-making, writers are working on the description.
The writer is always courted by invitations from the all-too- familiar.
The writer considers sayability before anything else.
I am most drawn to writing when I have something else urgent to do.
Memories contain hidden editorials on current events.
Too timid to talk back, I shot my adversary.
Fear regulates. Appetite impels.
If "there is no harm in asking," why guilt and fear when we do so?
Boredom and fear keep us working and obeying the laws.
After desolation, grief brings back our humanity.
Like love, grief fades in and out.
Fortuna likes to find a crowd and follow it.
Fortuna smiles and frowns according to a timetable surprising even to herself.