You learn as much from those who have failed as from those who have succeeded.
A good mentor offers directions and driving tips from the back seat. You still have to drive the car.
That first peak is the best place to pause and look back, to see if you took the easiest route, to learn the lessons from the first climb. And it is the best place to examine the terrain ahead, to change your plans and goals, to take a deep breath and begin climbing again.
(Natural Talent + Opportunity) Hard Work = Success
It is clearly not the journey for everyone. People succeed in as many ways as there are people. Some can be completely fulfilled with destinations that are much closer to home and more comfortable. But if you long to keep going, then I hope you are able to follow my lead to the places I have gone. To within a whisper of your own personal perfection. To places that are sweeter because you worked so hard to arrive there. To places at the very edge of your dreams.
Be who you are in every situation.
The only thing you can never change is your values.
It is important that you strive for humility, but not humiliation, for a cool, level-headed confidence, not a stiff, delusional arrogance.
Along with trustworthiness, consistency is the thing to look for when you surround yourself with people who can help you on your quest.
How could you look more stupid than to be the guy accepting a bronze medal in gold shoes?
Your problems pale in comparison with those of the millions of people in the world who do not have enough to eat.
Don't shoot for something unattainable - completely outside of your nature or opportunity.
I believe that it is better to learn from the diverse people around us than to try in vain to emulate them, better to be a teacher than a role model. As strong as my legs are, it is my mind that has made me a champion.
You owe it to yourself to find your own unorthodox way of succeeding, or sometimes, just surviving.
You can make goals for family, relationships, anything.
On the £20,000 Mercedes prizes for each winner at the World Athletics Championships in Stuttgart- Anyone good enough to win already has one.