Michel de Montaigne Quotes - Page 27

To honor him whom we have made is far from honoring him that hath made us.
There is no doubt that Greek and Latin are great and handsome ornaments, but we buy them too dear.
Tis faith alone that vividly and certainly comprehends the deep mysteries of our religion.
There are few men who dare to publish to the world the prayers they make to Almighty God.
This very Rome that we behold deserves our love ...: the only common and universal city.
A little of everything and nothing thoroughly, after the French fashion.
Let us a little permit nature to take her own way; she better understands her own affairs than we.
The world is all a carcass and vanity, The shadow of a shadow, a play And in one word, just nothing.
Nature has, herself, I fear, imprinted in man a kind of instinct to inhumanity.