We change people, but oftentimes we get so focused on the negative people and their influence on us, we forget how powerful we are as positive people to influence others.
Too often we forget how powerful we are as individuals to shape how other people see the world. Each one of us constantly broadcasts to other people - whether consciously or unconsciously - verbally or non-verbally - and those messages influence their brain.
People will often say "You can't change other people." My research shows this societal belief is not only dis-empowering, it is scientifically false.
Change your story, change your power.
When someone comes to you to talk about a problem, if you move the conversation on to a discussion of potential solutions, you fuel their creative problem solving abilities on average by 20% - not to mention you make them feel better! You make them smarter and more empowered to tackle challenges.
Instead of running from the negative, I've started running towards the positive.
There is no greater prediction in the research of our levels of happiness than the breadth and depth of our relationships.
We are all constantly transmitting information to the people around us, and the messages we choose to communicate either create success or hold us all hold back.
Even five minute meaningful conversations with other people not only fuel us in the moment but also build up a reserve of social capital so that when hard times strike, we can draw down on that bank account.
Being in touch with the problems in the world or our lives is important, but even more important is to focus the brain on what we can do about them.
Too quickly, venting can turn into dumping garbage on the people around us.
People are pulled towards the best in themselves, and spotlighting the right is a much stronger approach than nagging.
Fun can be a great motivator.
Social comparison that leads to unhappiness is the downside of social media.
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