
Mike Huckabee Quotes - Page 4

When someone points a gun at your head and loads it, by God, you ought to take them seriously.

When someone points a gun at your head and loads it, by God, you ought to take them seriously.

Mike Huckabee at GOP primary debate at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio, August 6, 2015.

Stop illegal immigration. Stop these trade deals that are taking jobs from Americans. Build an economy that works for the people at the bottom, not just the ones at the top.

"Media excitement over Warren endorsement justified?; Mitt Romney confirms he will not vote for Donald Trump". "The Kelly File", June 10, 2016.

Fighting for ourselves means manufacturing our own weapons of self-defense.

"Undercard debate on economy". Republican debate, November 10, 2015.

It seems like we're spending billions of dollars on whiz-bang technology and not enough money on human resources, which really is proven to be the most effective way of stopping terrorism.

"Mike Huckabee lays out path to 2016 Republican nomination; Amb. John Bolton talks NSA surveillance, growth of ISIS". "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, May 24, 2015.

Presidents Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson, presidents have understood that the Supreme Court cannot make a law. They cannot make it. The legislature has to make it, the executive branch has to sign it and enforce it.

"Mike Huckabee lays out path to 2016 Republican nomination; Amb. John Bolton talks NSA surveillance, growth of ISIS". "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, May 24, 2015.

My goal is not to win a straw poll that doesn't mean something. It's to win the election that means everything for the future of the country.

"Mike Huckabee lays out path to 2016 Republican nomination; Amb. John Bolton talks NSA surveillance, growth of ISIS". "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, May 24, 2015.

I would describe myself as a "total conservative, a conscientious one."

"Mr ‘Total Conservative’". Interview with Bill Steigerwald, March 3, 2009.

Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office. That's what Jesus would do.

CNN/YouTube Republican presidential debate in St. Petersburg, Florida, November 28, 2007.

I think people forget that bipartisanship is really the burden of the victor, not the loser.

"Mr ‘Total Conservative’". Interview with Bill Steigerwald, March 3, 2009.

There's never been a civilization that has rewritten what marriage and family means and survived.

"Is This Guy For Real?". Interview with Ross Douthat, December 2, 2007.