That the policies - from energy to labor policies, trade policies, government policies relating to debt and deficits are all aligning in such a way that America, far from being one of the places people are running from, is a place people are going to come to and add jobs.
With regards to my views on protecting a woman's right to choose, I've been very clear on that. I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose. And I'm devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard. I am pro-choice.
I was an avidly pro-life governor; I'm an avidly pro-life individual. As a pro-life Republican, I am in favor of having the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade.
Freedom requires religion in society, not in individuals.
Ok to appoint atheists or agnostics-no litmus test of faith.
Flexibility. Oh, that's pretty clearly saying that what Donald Trump said to The New York Times is very different than what he's saying to the American people. He is not the real deal. He is a phony.
I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there and in some ways it was frustrating not to feel like I was there as part of the troops that were fighting in Vietnam.
My view is that we have the Second Amendment rights to bear arms, and in this country my view is that we should not add new legistlation. I do not believe in new laws restricting gun ownership and gun use.
President Obama's view of a free economy is to send your money to his friends. My vision for a free enterprise economy is to return entrepreneurship and genius and creativity to the American people!
Donald Trump talks about how he's not going to be controlled by the moneyed interests. Do people understand that he's not giving money to his campaign, he's loaning it because he expects to get money back from those same big donors he decries right now? He's planning on running a general election based upon raising money from those very people.
With these 11 million people here illegally, let's have them registered, know who they are, those that are her paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process towards application for citizenship.
One simple rule: no amnesty, no special pathway to citizenship.
On our watch, the conversation with a would-be suicide bomber will not begin with the words, 'You have the right to remain silent.'
Donald Trump is not the real deal. I think as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio made that very clear.
This country already has a leader who divides us with the bitter politics of envy. We have to offer an alternative vision.
When government is... bailing out banks... we have every good reason to be alarmed.
When we have had in the past programs that have said that the people who come here illegally are going to get to stay illegally for the rest of their life, that's going to only encourage more people to come here illegally.
I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.
It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.
Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts.
I've been a hunter pretty much all my life.
I would like to have campaign spending limits...
Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore.
Every piece of legislation which came to my desk in the coming years as the governor, I came down on the side of preserving the sanctity of life.
This is all about creating good jobs for middle-income Americans, and it's a place where the President, frankly, has failed. His effort to put in place a series of liberal proposals he thought were historic kept his eye off the ball of getting the economy going again. It is the economy, and the American people aren't stupid. They want someone who can get this economy going again.