
Mitt Romney Quotes

I'm not familiar precisely with what I said, but I'll stand by what I said, whatever it was.

"Mitt Romney stands by invocation of Rev. Wright". May 17, 2012.

What you believe, what you value, how you live - matters.

"Privately devout Romney worships with his family". July 2, 2012.

When it comes to pinning blame, pin the tail on the donkeys.

"Mitt Romney Defends The Bush Record" by Sam Stein, April 20, 2010.

I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it.

"“So Rich, So Poor”: Peter Edelman on Ending U.S. Poverty & Why He Left Clinton Admin over Welfare Law". "Democracy now" with Amy Goodman, May 23, 2012.