
Morena Baccarin Quotes

I get nervous for any competition. I also get really competitive.

"Morena Baccarin Is Competitive". Interview with Matt Goulet, March 21, 2012.

Nothing can prep you for eight years of sex scenes in one day.

Interview with Paul Shirey, November 3, 2015.

If you watch the news, you see politicians use human vulnerabilities to get in and earn people's trust.

"Morena Baccarin: I think everyone should get Anna haircuts!". Interview with Jarett Wieselman, November 17, 2009.

Women work as much as men now, if not more. There's a resurgence of dads in the home and moms working.

"Homeland's Morena Baccarin Takes a Political Stand". Interview with Ashley Terrill, May 22, 2013.

There are many people who live with terrorism every day.

"Biography / Personal Quotes".