
Napoleon Hill Quotes - Page 14

FAITH is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man.

FAITH is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man.

Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.46, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA

Criticism will plant FEAR in the human heart, or resentment, but it will not build love or affection.

Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.201, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA

The fear of criticism is at the bottom of the destruction of most ideas which never reach the planning and action stage.

Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.140, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA

Self-approval is a dangerous state of mind.

Napoleon Hill (2013). “The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons”, p.635, Simon and Schuster

No one is going to pay much attention to the person who has no confidence in himself.

Napoleon Hill (2013). “The Law of Success”, p.109, Courier Corporation

If you think you are beaten you are, if you think you dare not, you don't. If you like to win, but you think you can't, it is almost certain you won't.

Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.49, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA

A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.

Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.92, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA

If the winds of fortune are temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you toward your definite purpose, through the use of your imagination.

Napoleon Hill (2008). “The Law of Success: The Master Wealth-Builder's Complete and Original Lesson Plan forAchieving Your Dreams”, p.252, Penguin

If your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people grant your requests when those requests appeal to their self- interest, you can have practically anything you go after.

Napoleon Hill (2008). “The Law of Success: The Master Wealth-Builder's Complete and Original Lesson Plan forAchieving Your Dreams”, p.253, Penguin

Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat.

Napoleon Hill (2007). “The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity”, p.34, Penguin

Indecision, doubt and fear. The members of this unholy trio are closely related; where one is found, the other two are close at hand.

Napoleon Hill (2007). “The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity”, p.201, Penguin