Style is a deeply personal expression of who you are, and every time you dress, you are asserting a part of yourself.
Style comes from knowing who you are and who you want to be in the world; it does not come from wanting to be somebody else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller, prettier.
Some girls on the street don't have a lot of money, but they have the best style. It's not about being able to buy everything in the store.
Fashion is expensive. Style is not. Some of the most stylish girls I know are certainly not the wealthiest.
Like most people, I've grown a lot more sophisticated in my style choices. I know myself and what suits me better now than I did when I was much younger and feel more comfortable in my own skin.
Style is like a muscle: you have to exercise it regularly or you'll lose it.
My style is about making things last forever. When you're on a budget, it can be daunting to spend $300 on a pair of boots or a coat. But such basics are the building blocks from which your look is crafted.