William Lloyd Garrison Quotes
William Lloyd Garrison (1852). “Selections from the writings and speeches of William Lloyd Garrison: With an appendix ...”, p.140
The Liberator, 1 Jan. 1831 (first issue)
William Lloyd Garrison, Bruce Rogers (1905). “The Words of Garrison: A Centennial Selection (1805-1905) of Characteristic Sentiments from the Writings of William Lloyd Garrison”
Enslave the liberty of but one human being and the liberties of the world are put in peril.
Speech by minister Koenders at the presentation of the 2015 Human Rights Tulip, November 12, 2015.
William Lloyd Garrison (1854). “No Compromise with Slavery: An Address Delivered in the Broadway Tabernacle, New York, February 14, 1854”, p.6
William Lloyd Garrison, Walter McIntosh Merrill, Louis Ruchames (1971). “The Letters of William Lloyd Garrison: I will be heard, 1822-1835”, p.101, Harvard University Press
William Lloyd Garrison, Louis Ruchames (1971). “The Letters of William Lloyd Garrison: I will be heard, 1822-1835”, p.132, Harvard University Press
William Lloyd Garrison (1852). “Selections from the writings and speeches of William Lloyd Garrison: With an appendix ...”, p.72
The Liberator, 1 Jan. 1831 (first issue)
William Lloyd Garrison (1852). “Selections from the Writings and Speeches of William Lloyd Garrison: With an Appendix ...”, p.71
Speech in Charleston, South Carolina, April 14, 1865.
Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependant upon popular opinion?
William Lloyd Garrison (1832). “Thoughts on African Colonization: Or an Impartial Exhibition of the Doctrines, Principles and Purposes of the American Colonization Society. Together with the Resolutions, Addresses and Remonstrances of the Free People of Color”, p.6
Resolution adopted by Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 27 Jan. 1843.
Speech in Charleston, South Carolina, April 14, 1865.
William Lloyd Garrison (1971). “A House Dividing Against Itself, 1836-1840”, p.220, Harvard University Press
I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice.
The Liberator, 1 Jan. 1831 (first issue)
William Lloyd Garrison (1852). “Selections from the writings and speeches of William Lloyd Garrison: With an appendix ...”, p.63
The success of any great moral enterprise does not depend upon numbers.
William Lloyd Garrison, Walter McIntosh Merrill, Louis Ruchames (1971). “The Letters of William Lloyd Garrison: I will be heard, 1822-1835”, p.519, Harvard University Press
I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for severity?
William Lloyd Garrison (1852). “Selections from the writings and speeches of William Lloyd Garrison: With an appendix ...”, p.63