Confident fighters are dangerous fighters. I know that. But there other fighters who said before a fight they were stronger than me, hit harder, were going to knock me out. Walters is a good champion but really how many quality fights has he been in compared to where I have been in my career? We both have speed, we both have power. It's an explosive fight. This is going to end in a knockout. I will go into the ring and do my best.
Moving up and fighting the best keeps me hungry.
I seek to fight the best out there. I seek to fight the champions in every division I go up to.
If there's a best, I want to fight them.
I wanted to bring that old school mentality of "Fight Me!, Fight me!"
Not only did I win the fight, but I won something that's more than a fight could ever give me and that is gaining back a family.
I was 11 when I started boxing. My brother was fighting before I did, and he got me into it.
He said it's an honor to fight me, well I say that it's an honor to fight him as well.