Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.
Opportunity may knock only once but temptation leans on the door bell
I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been lucky.
The best way to look at aging is to see it as an opportunity to leave what didn't work behind and step boldly into a brand new future.
There are so many people who've come before me who deserved to be tired. Who didn't have the opportunities, who didn't have the access, who didn't have the money, who didn't have the influence, who didn't have the voice.
I don't believe in luck. Luck is just preparation meeting the moment of opportunity.
Getting older is the best thing that ever happened to me. I wake up every morning rejoicing that I'm still here with an opportunity to begin again and be better
I look at problems as opportunities and use every person, every incident, and every encounter as an opportunity to show a more loving part of myself.
Nothing about my life is lucky. Nothing. A lot of grace, a lot of blessings, a lot of divine order, but I don't believe in luck. For me, luck is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity. There is no luck without you being prepared to handle that moment of opportunity. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for the moment that is to come.
I believe that you tend to create your own blessings. You have to prepare yourself so that when opportunity comes, you're ready.
Making a Different Choice Gives You the Opportunity to Live a Different Life.