I want to continue to encourage as many people as I can to open their hearts to life, because if I know anything for sure, it's that opening my own heart is what has brought me my greatest success and joy.
I know for sure that's what we're here to do: Keep the joy thing going for all seasons.
Lasting joy is found not in what you get, but in what you give.
I've seen that many times in rural African villages where people have nothing but a hut and a bowl. The joy in the children's eyes is something you wish you could package and bring back to America.
Instead of looking for the success in your life, look for the thing that is going to bring you the greatest joy.
I know who I am, and the thing about power for me is that it's connected to a source that's obviously greater than myself. Any time you can connect to the source and understand that that's where all of your energy, your creativity, your joy and your triumph come from, I consider that to be authentic power.
Joy is one part inner peace, one part giddy delight and 100% attainable.
The commonality in the human experience is the same. We have the same sorrows, and the same triumphs. Joy is joy is joy.