I attempt an arduous task but there is no worth in that which is not a difficult achievement
Treat a thousand dispositions in a thousand ways.
What is hid is unknown: for what is unknown there is no desire. [Lat., Quod latet ignotum est; ignoti nulla cupido.]
Who would have known of Hector, if Troy had been happy? The road to valor is built by adversity.
Art lies by its own artifice.
An anthill increases by accumulation. Medicine is consumed by distribution. That which is feared lessens by association. This is the thing to understand.
The love of fame usually spurs on the mind. [Lat., Ingenio stimulos subdere fama solet.]
A broken fortune is like a falling column; the lower it sinks, the greater weight it has to sustain.
The most wretched fortune is safe; for there is no fear of anything worse. [Lat., Fortuna miserrima tuta est: Nam timor eventus deterioris abest.]
Every man should stay within his own fortune. [Lat., Intera fortunam quisque debet manere suam.]
Women's words are as light as the doomed leaves whirling in autumn, Easily swept by the wind, easily drowned by the wave.
Sleep ... peace of the soul, who puttest care to flight.
Ah me! love can not be cured by herbs. [Lat., Hei mihi! quod nullis amor est medicabilis herbis.]
Gain, acquired by many agents, soon accumulates.
Birth and ancestry, and that which we have not ourselves achieved, we can scarcely call our own.
Wine stimulates the mind and makes it quick with heat; care flees and is dissolved in much drink.
The least strength suffices to break what is bruised.
The wounded gladiator forswears all fighting, but soon forgetting his former wound resumes his arms.
If Jupiter hurled his thunderbolt as often as men sinned, he would soon be out of thunderbolts.
The mind conscious of innocence despises false reports: but we are a set always ready to believe a scandal.
What follows I flee; what flees I ever pursue.
The need has gone; the memorial thereof remains.
Sickness seizes the body from bad ventilation.
Thou beginnest better than thou endest. The last is inferior to the first. [Lat., Coepisti melius quam desinis. Ultima primis cedunt.]
Stones are hollowed out by the constant dropping of water.