When he is forced to perform the same task several times, the Warrior uses this tactic and transforms work into prayer.
The Warrior is terrified when making important decisions.
It is not enough to dream of the Impossible Love - it is necessary to conquer it too.
If u behave differently, u will be expelled from the tribe because u can infect others and destroy something that was extremely difficult to organize in the first place.
Believing that other people are always better than you-better-looking, more capable, richer, more intelligent-and that it's very dangerous to step outside your own limits, so it's best to do nothing.
He uses common sense to judge not the intentions of an action but its consequences.
A Warrior is always vigilant.
A Warrior often loses heart.
No matter how you feel today, get up, dress up & show up
Treat every challenge as a lesson, every mistake you make as a blessing and move on.
He unwittingly takes a false step and plunges into the abyss.
Sometimes an unimportant incident is capable of turning everything beautiful into a moment of anxiety. We insist on seeing the mote in the eye and forget about the mountains, the fields and the olive groves.
We must eat three meals a day, even if we're not hungry, and when we fail to fit the current ideal of beauty we must fast, even if we're starving.
Love simply is. That is the testament of Athena or Sherine or Hagia Sofia - love is. No definitions. Love and don't ask too many questions. Just love.
In the intervals between battles, the Warrior rests.
But he knows that no man is an island.
For the Warrior, there is no such thing as an impossible love.
He has learned that it is best to follow the light.
For the Warrior of the Light, there are no abstractions.
We must play music quietly, talk quietly, weep in private, because I am the all-powerful Zahir, who lays down the rules and determines the distance between railway tracks, the meaning of success, the best way to love, the importance of rewards.
Never make a fuss-it might attract the attention of an enemy tribe.
We must dress according to the dictates of fashion, make love whether we feel like it or not, kill in the name of our country, wish time away so that retirement comes more quickly, elect politicians, complain about the cost of living, change our hairstyle, criticize anyone who's different, go to a religious service and beg forgiveness for our sins and puff ourselves up with pride because we know the truth and despise the other tribe who worships a false god.
Our children must follow in our footsteps; after all, we are older and know about the world.
We must never make our parents sad, even if this means giving up everything that makes us happy.
We must study things we will never use, but which someone told us were important to know.