
Peter Carey Quotes

All Quotes Art Past Writing

To know you will be lonely is not the same as being lonely.

Peter Carey (2010). “Oscar and Lucinda”, p.261, Faber & Faber

People do not love those whose eyes show that they are somewhere else

Peter Carey (2010). “Collected Stories”, p.186, Faber & Faber

Nostalgia is something we think of as fuzzy. But it's pain. Pain concerning the past.

"Peter Carey: making it up as he goes along" by Emma Brockes, March 16, 2012.

My greatest pleasure is to invent. My continual mad ambition is to make something true and beautiful that never existed in the world before.

"An Interview With Author Peter Carey". Interview with Ben Evans, October 6, 2010.

I have never begun a novel which wasn't going to stretch me further than I had ever stretched before.

"An Interview With Author Peter Carey". Interview with Ben Evans, October 6, 2010.

Good writing of course requires talent, and no one can teach you to have talent.

"An Interview With Author Peter Carey". Interview with Ben Evans, October 6, 2010.

I don't think you have the right to shout about other people's private life.

"Peter Carey: making it up as he goes along" by Emma Brockes, March 16, 2012.

Being famous as a writer is like being famous in a village. It's not really any very heady fame.

"Peter Carey: making it up as he goes along" by Emma Brockes, March 16, 2012.