Some people say there's nothing new under the sun. I still think that there's room to create, you know. And intuition doesn't necessarily come from under this sun. It comes from within.
I stay grounded because everyone around me floats
Artists are like messengers. A song is authored by you, but its interpretation is owned by other people. And you have no control over that.
I feel overworked, but when I don't work, I feel weird.
It can't be all you. Just like you need air to fly a kite. It's not the kite. It's the air.
You gotta go inward To experience the outer space That was built for you
When you start trying to figure out what you're the best at, that's when you become delusional because you start to believe that. [you're the best] I'd rather continue to ride that mule than to ride the cocky horse. You see people spin out of control like that all the time. Those are the most tragic stories – the most gifted people who start to believe that it's really ALL THEM. It's not all you. It can't be all you. Just like you need air to fly a kite. It's not the KITE – it's the AIR.
I'm just very thankful. And I say that a lot because that's the most important message.
Most of the time, I see what I see, I search my feelings, and then I make my decisions based on my gut - and I don't always make the right ones.
Failure honestly can be like the best lesson and it's like the one that like God wants you to really pay attention to. That's why it hurts. The pain will help you remember how not to walk, what directions not to go.
I'm always consciously trying to make what I feel is missing.
I love when things are transparent, free and clear of all inhibition and judgement.
Creative people are often considered crazy but I believe crazy can be a good thing.
Society wants to put us in a box and say, OK, you do this and you do that and you do this, and I'm like, no, I like this, I like that.
Whenever I think of the memories of you by my side, it leaves a smile on my lips and gives me the hope of the love that we will have again when you will return. That is why I don't mind staying apart like this.
My ideal travel companions are my family.
If you allow failure to take on more of a role in your life than possible, then you'll always look at it on the defense and you'll always shoot yourself down before it even goes anywhere.
That's what music should be like all the time. No stress, moving things forward, inspiring the youth, and doing it with style and vigor.
Failure is not always a bad thing. You just have to be smart while you're in the middle of it. You're in the eye of the tornado of like disappointment to know that it's just a storm and it'll pass.
For every individual who gets killed, someone should build a school or teach a child. We really need to balance things with positivity.
Intake is everything. And that is, that's where you start to realize your ego has no business in our business. Once you think you know everything, it's only a matter of time. So I will forever remain a student.
I don't want to end up being a circus act, doing my most famous tricks when I'm 70.
When creative individuals are given a stage, they have the power to advance humanity
No human being is the same; we are like snowflakes, none of us are the same but we are all COOL
If you are not curious, that's when your brain is starting to die. And discovering, I think, that's what separates us from the rest of the other species. It's that we discover and pioneer.