Philip Larkin Quotes
Philip Larkin (2012). “Philip Larkin: Letters to Monica”, Faber & Faber
"An Arundel Tomb" l. 42 (1964)
BBC Third Programme, April 13, 1956.
Philip Larkin (1989). “Philip Larkin: the man and his work”, Univ of Iowa Pr
We should be careful / Of each other, we should be kind / While there is still time.
Philip Larkin (2014). “Collected Poems”, p.175, Faber & Faber
Poetry is an affair of sanity, of seeing things as they are.
"Required Writing-Miscellaneous Pieces 1955-1982". Book by Philip Larkin, 1984.
Philip Larkin (2012). “Philip Larkin: Letters to Monica”, p.350, Faber & Faber
"Required Writing". Book by Philip Larkin, 1983.
"Annus Mirabilis" l. 1 (1974)
Philip Larkin (2012). “Philip Larkin: Letters to Monica”, p.339, Faber & Faber
Philip Larkin, “To Put One Brick Upon Another”
Philip Larkin, Brian Dyson (1989). “The Modern Academic Library: Essays in Memory of Philip Larkin”, Library Assn Pub Limited
Philip Larkin (2012). “Philip Larkin: Letters to Monica”, Faber & Faber
Philip Larkin (2012). “Required Writing: Miscellaneous Pieces 1955-1982”, p.68, Faber & Faber
Philip Larkin (2014). “Collected Poems”, p.136, Faber & Faber
High Windows (1974) "This Be The Verse"
He married a woman to stop her getting away Now she's there all day.
Philip Larkin (2014). “Collected Poems”, p.83, Faber & Faber
'New Fiction' no. 15, January 1978 (the 'classic formula' for a novel)