Good courage in a bad affair is half of the evil overcome.
He who bravely endures evils, in time reaps the reward.
Keep what you have got; the known evil is best. [Lat., Habeas ut nactus; nota mala res optima est.]
How bitter it is to reap a harvest of evil for good that you have done! [Lat., Ut acerbum est, pro benefactis quom mali messem metas!]
The evil that we know is best.
Out of many evils the evil which is least is the least of evils. [Lat., E malis multis, malum, quod minimum est, id minimum est malum.]
This is the great evil in wine, it first seizes the feet; it is a cunning wrestler. [Lat., Magnum hoc vitium vino est, Pedes captat primum; luctator dolosu est.]