
Rachel Held Evans Quotes - Page 3

The church is the last place we want to be sold another product, the last place we want to be entertained.

The church is the last place we want to be sold another product, the last place we want to be entertained.

Rachel Held Evans (2015). “Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church”, p.14, Thomas Nelson Inc

We cling to the letter because the spirit is so much harder to master.

Rachel Held Evans (2012). “A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband 'Master'”, p.140, Thomas Nelson Inc

Contrary to popular belief, we (millennials) can't be won back with hipper worship bands, fancy coffee shops, or pastors who wear skinny jeans.

Rachel Held Evans (2015). “Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church”, p.14, Thomas Nelson Inc

Like all who search for truth out of fear, I desperately wanted someone else to tell me exactly what to do.

Rachel Held Evans (2012). “A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband 'Master'”, p.181, Thomas Nelson Inc

You can't get too far into the Gospels without noticing that Jesus made a pretty lousy apologist.

Rachel Held Evans (2010). “Evolving in Monkey Town: How a Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask the Questions”, p.102, Harper Collins

It is a tragic and agonizing irony that instructions once delivered for the purpose of avoiding needless offense are now invoked in ways that needlessly offend, that words once meant to help draw people to the gospel now repel them.

Rachel Held Evans (2012). “A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband "master"”, p.263, Thomas Nelson Inc

Evangelicalism is like my religious mother tongue. I revert to it whenever I’m angry or excited or surrounded by other people who understand what I’m saying. And it’s the language in which I most often hear God’s voice on the rare occasion that it rises above the noise.

Rachel Held Evans (2012). “A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband 'Master'”, p.18, Thomas Nelson Inc

Millennials aren't looking for a hipper Christianity.

Rachel Held Evans (2015). “Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church”, p.14, Thomas Nelson Inc

We turned an anthem into an assignment, a poem into a job description.

Rachel Held Evans (2012). “A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband 'Master'”, p.89, Thomas Nelson Inc