Molly Ivins Quotes
Molly Ivins (2010). “You Got to Dance with Them What Brung You”, p.141, Vintage
Molly Ivins (2010). “You Got to Dance with Them What Brung You”, p.10, Vintage
If his IQ slips any lower, we'll have to water him twice a day
Molly Ivins (2004). “Who Let the Dogs In?: Incredible Political Animals I Have Known”, p.212, Random House
Molly Ivins (1991). “Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She?”, Random House Incorporated
Molly Ivins, Lou Dubose (2002). “Shrub: The Short But Happy Political Life of George W. Bush”, p.131, Vintage
Molly Ivins (2010). “Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She?”, p.104, Vintage
Molly Ivins (2010). “You Got to Dance with Them What Brung You”, p.18, Vintage
Molly Ivins (2010). “Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She?”, p.112, Vintage
"The Mouth of Texas". People Weekly, December 9, 1991.