When something feels right, that means it is right for you. Pay attention to your authentic feelings, and follow where they lead.
Make the decision to love this day, this place, this moment, this special experience of life with the people around you. And there will be so very much to love.
If you so choose, each day can be filled with even more joy than the one before. If you so choose, even the most seemingly random events can work in your favor.
Perfection in any endeavor is an aiming point. Let the desire for it push you, but don't let the absence of it stop you.
You are full of wonderful possibilities. Do something with them. The most painful regrets, those which never go away, are regrets of things not done, things never attempted.
Truth is just as essential to nourishing the mind as food is to nourishing the body. The more fully you live each moment in truth, the more powerful and effective those moments will be.
Lasting achievement, whatever the endeavor, comes from a commitment to excellence every step of the way.
Your life is constantly nourished by your thoughts. Whatever the direction your life is moving, your thoughts have led you there.
In the midday sun, a bright light will be barely noticed. Yet in the darkest night, even the smallest light can make an enormous difference.
The way to transform your immense inner value into outer riches is by giving it freely and authentically to others.
Just as surely as you can create a thought in your mind, you can create this day in the way you choose.
Success is not a secret that is hidden from you.Success is a habit that is readily avaiable to you.
The quality of your commitments will determine the course of your life.
Be wary of those who seek to steal your dream. Be even more wary of those who seek to tell you what your dream should be.
Those who win big do it by creating other winners.
When one approach is not working to reach the desired goal, that's not a reason to abandon the goal. Instead, it is time to devise another approach.
There is most certainly a purpose you are yearning to fulfill. Find it, know it, follow it, and you can change the world.
When you've done all you can, do just a little bit more. Any extra effort you make will draw immense leverage from all the ordinary efforts which have preceded it. That can be powerful and effective.
Every moment you spend thinking about the bad stuff pushes that much more of the good stuff away.
Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.
If you're ninety-five percent of the way to outstanding success, doesn't it make sense to go the additional five percent of the way? ... A marathon which takes hours to run, can be won or lost by a matter of seconds.
Every day you make some progress and every day you make a few mistakes. Through it all, your wisdom continues to grow and your experience continues to broaden.
Take your mind off the problems for a moment, and focus on the positive possibilities. Consider how very much you are able to do.
A smile can work wonders. Put it to work for you.
Dare to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power to push your whole world forward.