
Ramakrishna Quotes about Heart

That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true Knowledge, all else is only a negation of Knowledge.

That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true Knowledge, all else is only a negation of Knowledge.

Ramakrishna (1960). “Sayings: The Most Exhaustive Collection of Them, Their Number Being 1120”

Through selfless work, love of God grows in heart.

Ramakrishna, Mahendra Nath Gupta (1942). “The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna”, Ramakrishna Vivekanada Center

If a man prays to Thee with a yearning heart, he can reach Thee, through Thy grace, by any path.

Ramakrishna, Mahendra Nath Gupta (1942). “The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna”, Ramakrishna Vivekanada Center