I've no interest in being thought provoking. Who needs more thoughts. I'd rather go down as one who is thought disposing.
Throw your arms around the world and hold on tight. But not through fear...but because of your love.
Love is the only path to anything worth doing, creating or pursuing.
Success is meaningless without fulfilment - both begin within.
You won't ever build your confidence from a perception of lack. For it grows and evolves from realising who you are and what you already have.
The moment that you accept life and your life as it is, is the moment that you will start to change your life and this magical life itself.
The moment that you give gratitude is the moment that you find happiness. The moment that you lose gratitude your happiness will vanish and slip through your fingers
The mind will enchain yourself, others or both. Your heart will set you / them free
If you listen quietly enough life will whisper its secrets to you
Our abilities and possibilities are at one and the same time very limited and quite infinite dependent on the depth of our relationship to our 'self', others and life itself.
Don't be so obsessed with stardom that you miss out on success
What people say and feel about you when you've left a room is precisely your job while you are in it.
First one must understand conditioning - only then can we speak of choice
While being you and truly sharing what you do will bring happiness to others, you won't find contentment merely trying to keep others happy.
Tomorrow's leaders will not lead dictating from the front, nor pushing from the back. They will lead from the centre - from the heart
Our life stories are largely constructed and without mindfulness can prove destructive.
A touch less ego and dash more humility will improve the quality of anything you turn your hand to.
While you'll feel compelled to charge forward it's often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek.
Our life stories are at one and the same time reality, fallacy and fantasy.
People will ask you the question 'how is life treating you?' But my question is 'how are you treating life?' On that your happiness rests
Life is the best and only timekeeper.
The land of possibility is a better place to make your home than the realm of expectation will ever be
Be a star not a diva!
All pursuits are pointless and fruitless unless and until love and compassion are found and then are the foundation and destination of all you do
Happiness is not some 'thing' to be pursued it is a way of being born from appreciating