
Rebel Wilson Quotes - Page 2

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When I was younger I did karate and martial arts, and I think it's really cool for girls to have those kinds of abilities.

When I was younger I did karate and martial arts, and I think it's really cool for girls to have those kinds of abilities.

"Rebel's Secrets To Super Confidence!" by Maura Kutner, April 1, 2013.

All my family has very good mathematical abilities - like, so dorky. I was the dork then in school - on any maths exams I'd get 100%. I just knew how to do maths and most people would hate it, but for some reason it just came.

"‘Bachelorette’ Funny Lady Rebel Wilson: 'I pick up the roles other actresses don’t want'". Interview with Nigel M. Smith, August 15, 2012.

I do acting for the awards... and cash money.

"Rebel Wilson's jokes at MTV Movie Awards make it her 'breakthrough' night" by Katie Calautti, April 15, 2013.