
Richard Hovey Quotes

I am sick of four walls and a ceiling I have need of the sky, I have business with the grass.

Richard Hovey (1962). “Dartmouth Lyrics”, Dartmouth College

Spring in the world! And all things are made new!

Richard Hovey (1962). “Dartmouth Lyrics”, Dartmouth College

How loving is the Lord God and how strong withal!

Richard Hovey (1908). “Along the Trail”

East, to the dawn, or west or south or north! Loose rein upon the neck of - and forth!

"Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations". Book by Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, 1922.

Love seeks a guerdon; friendship is as God,Who gives and asks no payment.

Richard Hovey (1895). “The Marriage of Guenevere: A Tragedy”

The great white cold walks abroad!

Richard Hovey (1908). “Along the Trail”

Fair weather weddings make fair weather lives.

Richard Hovey (1899). “Launcelot and Guenevere: The marriage of Guenevere”

I am fevered with the sunset, I am fretful with the bay, For the wander-thirst is on me And my soul is in Cathay.

Avi, Karen Cushman, Henry Wysham Lanier, Peg C. Schwabel, Cynthia Corzo (2000). “The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle and related readings”

There is no sorrow like a love denied. Nor any joy like love that has its will.

Richard Hovey (1907). “Launcelot and Guenevere: The marriage of Guenevere”