There is nothing you can’t do, if you set your mind to it. Anything is possible.
My disability is that I cannot use my legs. My handicap is your negative perception of that disability, and thus of me.
The goal you set must be challenging. At the same time, it should be realistic and attainable, not impossible to reach. It should be challenging enough to make you stretch, but not so far that you break.
If you believe in a dream and have the courage to try, anything is possible
Always set goals, and work as hard as you can. You'll be amazed at what you can do.
I honestly believe that my best work is in front, not behind me. I am driven by a deep passion and need to make a difference and leave this world a little better than when I arrived. That's what keeps me going.
You have to be the best you can be with what you have.
Thanks to the ongoing support of the Government of Ontario, RHF, in partnership with the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, has galvanized Ontario’s best researchers, clinicians and scientists to accelerate the translation of the most promising research into practical solutions. This commitment enables the ongoing leveraging of federal, provincial and private sector funds to allow Canadian SCI researchers to embark on a national and global collective journey towards making a difference in the lives of people with spinal cord injury and other disabilities.