The lesson of Good Friday is to never lose hope — or at least give it 48 hours.
There is no harder thing to give up than the thing that was supposed to make you happy.
Sometimes we don't find the thing that will make us happy because we can't give up the thing that was supposed to.
The greatest gift we give to someone who loves us is simply to be happy.
What greater blessing to give thanks for at a family gathering than the family and the gathering.
Charisma is a fancy name given to the knack of giving people your full attention.
As a friend, you first give your understanding, then you try to understand.
The trick to getting ahead is to give it the same effort you give to getting even.
The Lord gives us friends to push us to our potential — and enemies to push us beyond it.
Be it human or animal, touch is a life-giving thing. Has anyone ever had a stroke or a heart attack while cozied up with a pet? I doubt it.
I'm discovering that everybody is a closet quotesmith. Just give them a chance.
Someday a computer will give a wrong answer to spare someone's feelings, and man will have invented artificial intelligence.
Perhaps God gives us a physical body so that every time we change our mind, we won’t be someone else.