Why bother lifting weights if you aren't following a sound nutritional regimen? Sure, it may be fun, but are you really accomplishing anything?
Bodybuilding is not just a sport; it's a way of life. If every aspect of your life is not focused on making the sacrifices necessary to build your best physique, you will ultimately fail and never reach your full potential.
Imagine yourself at your funeral. Ask yourself what you want your family and friends to say about you. How will you be remembered and what impact will you have had on other people's lives? How did you make the world a better place?
People tell me I'm a perfectionist. They tell me I'm too extreme and that I work too hard. I tell them, that is all I know how to do. I was taught to give my best effort in everything I do and demand perfection and raise the standard of excellence to a whole new level.
At least once a month, do something for someone who will never know who did them the friendly favor.
I am a Body-for-LIFE Challenge 2000 Winner. "Winners finish and finishers win."
Everyday I attempt to consume 4,000 Calories and 200 grams of protein. I don't always reach that mark but when I go to bed at night I know that I did the best I could given my schedule and the circumstances that day.
Be someone's best friend and be there when he or she needs you.
I'd rather have a picture-perfect body than a million dollars in my pocket.
Nobody knows you better than you do.
We need more people like Bill Phillips in the world. People who live each day with a passion to help other people. The kind of person who will motivate you beyond what you thought was possible and the kind of person who will celebrate your success with you.
Pay close attention to detail in whatever it is you are doing. Be specific and expect quality from your performance.
Before starting a fitness program or diet, know why you're doing it. Have specific goals with deadlines and visualize the end result each night before going to bed.
Despite what we may think, we are all talented in our own unique way.
Dream big with no limitations.
Remember all the people in your life who helped guide you on your road to success. Thank them sincerely and often.
The people who wake up and jump out of bed with energy and enthusiasm are the people who will be smiling all day, go out of their way to help you, and call you by name.
On your birthday thank your parents and celebrate with them. They are the reason you are here and it is their day too.
Your friends may influence your decisions even more than your parents will.
For some people hope is all they have. Encourage them and don't take their hope away, for they will be left with nothing.