Robert Heller Quotes

Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it's enough.
Robert Heller (1984). “The Supermanagers: Managing for Success, the Movers and the Doers, the Reasons Why”, New York : E.P. Dutton
Effective management always means asking the right question.
Robert Heller (1984). “The supermanagers: managing for success, the movers and the doers, the reasons why”, McGraw-Hill Companies
"The Cynic's Lexicon: A Dictionary of Amoral Advice". Book by Jonathon Green, p. 92, 1984.
Most people don't manage to the utmost of their ability because they don't want to.
Robert Heller (1984). “The Supermanagers: Managing for Success, the Movers and the Doers, the Reasons Why”, New York : E.P. Dutton
Robert Heller (1984). “The supermanagers: managing for success, the movers and the doers, the reasons why”, McGraw-Hill Companies
"Business strategy: the lessons of the 'big ideas" by Robert Heller in his blog "Thinking Managers", June 30, 2009.
"The Decision Makers". Book by Robert Heller, ch. 5. "The Innovators", 1989.
"The Decision Makers". Book by Robert Heller, 1989.
"The Naked Manager". Book by Robert Heller, p. 12, 1972.
"Research in light of a dark tunnel". Audit AGB research. London, Spring 1973.