I'm often asked how to start investing with little or no money. Please hear this as this is the hardest thing for people to understand: you do NOT invest with money! You invest with your mind! No matter what the field, your biggest asset is your mind. Once you have knowledge, you find deals, find your team and use other people’s money. You sell the deal and your team to get investment money.
Selling is the most important skill as an entrepreneur. I'm not talking so much about selling a product so much as selling yourself, team, and deals.
If you're not working to get your business or investing operation to operate without you, you're thinking too small. Think team and systems.
When employees unite, they form a union but when business owners unite, they form a team.
Most businesses think that product is the most important thing, but without great leadership, mission and a team that deliver results at a high level, even the best product won't make a company successful.
True passion attracts. If you have passion in your business, the right people will be attracted to your team.
Business and investing are team sports.
In order to sustain the integrity of the organization, a business must dedicate time and resources to education, leadership development, and personnel development. Don't focus on the product. Focus on the team.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to trust your team. It's a lesson I've had to relearn quite a few times.
A truly intelligent person is the dumbest person on the team he is leading.