To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.
If you do not decide to be happy, very few people can make you happy. If you decide to be happy, very few people can make you unhappy.
Use the freest goods for happiness... The stars cost nothing. Nature costs nothing. Your inner life costs nothing. God costs nothing. And yet they are all infinitely precious.
Switch on and keep on in yourself the cheerful buttons... Those marked Joy, Laughter, Happiness, Love, Passion for life, Gratitude for life.
Why should the search for happiness be only or essentially material and mental? Aren't there untold riches too in the moral, the sentimental and the spiritual realms?
There are thousands of books on the joy of gardening and cooking. Alas, there are only few on the joy of living.