Robert Southey Quotes - Page 2
What will not woman, gentle woman dare; when strong affection stirs her spirit up?
Affliction is not sent in vain, young man, from that good God, who chastens whom he loves.
Love is indestructible, Its holy flame forever burneth; From heaven it came, to heaven returneth.
Happy it were for us all if we bore prosperity as well and as wisely as we endure adverse fortune.
Take away love, and not physical nature only, but the heart of the moral world, would be palsied.
In the days of my youth I remembered my God! And He hath not forgotten my age.
A stubborn mind conduces as little to wisdom or even to knowledge, as a stubborn temper to happiness
Curses are like young chickens, theyalways come home to roost.
Ay! idleness! the rich folks never fail To find some reason why the poor deserve Their miseries.