Nowadays you can record on your laptop with Pro Tools, which I do quite often.
I love to get into a landscape and paint my horses.
The last show we played, I was straight as a die. It did feel weird not to be hiding behind alcohol or dope, but being focused was... good.
I had a fiery affair with George Harrison's wife, Pattie Boyd.
Back in those days, all us skinny white British kids were trying to look cool and sound black. And there was Hendrix, the ultimate in black cool. Everything he did was natural and perfect.
All my family back to the 1700s were water Gypsies. My brothers and me, we were the first ones to be born on dry land. All the rest of them were born on barges in the canals.
Amazing, the poisons I used to put in my body. I used to love it.
I'm terrible with money, absolutely awful. I'm always losing it.
It's taken folk a while to come around, hasn't it? Even the boys in the band weren't too sure about the whole art thing. They just wanted me to concentrate on the music. But they respect it now.
We're great, Jo and me. We're pals, and I guess sex has a lot to do with it. She's also brilliant at clearing a room. So protective, so devoted. I can't believe how much she loves me.
I go off into Dublin and two days later I'm spotted walking by the Liffey with a whole bunch of new friends.
I used to worry, 'I've lost my family.' They hated me for a while, but they're very resilient.
You don't make solo albums to have hits.
I like it when journalists are nice to me, and it's happening more and more.
I find it hard to get old and hard to say, 'No.'
I have a life coach out with me on tour, a very nice guy from L.A. He just prepares me for each day.
My dad lived till he was 78, my mum was in her 80s, and I've got two uncles who are in their 90s now.
Regina Spektor is great. I can't wait to see what more she's capable of.
All my life there's always been an ex-wife or a girlfriend.
In my family, they were all big boozers, but they all lived to ripe old ages.
I just think my body can't handle it any more. I did try a little drink a while back, and I was actually physically ill. I went into an immediate depression, and felt awful, just dreadful. So that's it. I'm over it now.
I love to go to Ireland just to relax.
What can I say, I'm an alcoholic. It's what I do.
I'm still digging long-established bands like U2 - they're new to me!
When I first saw Jo, I said boom, that was it, because I'm a one-woman man.