
Rudy Giuliani Quotes about Country

I want the people of New York to be an example to the rest of the country, and the rest of the world, that terrorism can't stop us.

"Iconic figures from Sept. 11: Where are they now?" by Matthew Diebel, Petra Cahil, Bruno Navarro, Ryan McCartney and Becky Bratu,

I think the accusations are about Hillary Clinton taking money from countries that kill women.

"Giuliani on Trump not paying federal income taxes “this is perfectly legal.”". "State of the Union" with Jake Tapper, October 2, 2016.

First thing you have to do is say to yourself what can I bring to it, what can I do that's different or - and how can I make the country better? How can I improve it?

"He's Ready! Rudy Giuliani Talks with Sean Hannity". "Hannity & Colmes" with Sean Hannity, February 6, 2007.