I support security at the borders. I think security is enormously important in the post-September 11th period. I think we have to know who's coming into this country. We have to be able to identify them; we have to be able to figure out who they are.
I want the people of New York to be an example to the rest of the country, and the rest of the world, that terrorism can't stop us.
God help this country if we're now prepared to vote for someone we don't trust. But every election cycle we do things we never dreamed of.
Six percent, 5 percent of our GDP for him [Vladimir Putin] to match us, he has to spend 25 percent of his GDP and it will bankrupt his country.
A woman who pretends to be a feminist shouldn't be taking money from countries where women are stoned, where women are killed for adultery, where women can't drive, Hillary Clinton's taken hundreds of millions of dollars from those countries.
I think, for the good of the country and the fact that you don't want a question coming up every time there's a decision made, [Donald Trump] should basically take himself out of it and just be a passive participant in the sense that he has no decision-making, no involvement and no decisions get made separate from him. Which is the way the way it's done for more Cabinet offices. Or I think all Cabinet offices.
I intend to work with President [Donald] Trump on those issues where he will, in fact, work for the middle class and working families in this country. I will vigorously oppose him if he appeals to racism or sexism.
I do have to ask the following: I feel very bad about that [spate of incidents, racially-charged incidents, across the country ].
You have the same mandate whether it's a close result or - you're the President of the United States, you have to act like the President of the United States. You're the person in charge. You have to set the agenda. That's how you get yourself reelected by a much bigger number, if you want to get reelected. And that's the way you govern the country.
[Hillary Clinton] poses as a feminist, and she's taken money from countries that stone women, kill women, have women . . .
I think the accusations are about Hillary Clinton taking money from countries that kill women.
First thing you have to do is say to yourself what can I bring to it, what can I do that's different or - and how can I make the country better? How can I improve it?