
Ruhollah Khomeini Quotes

Islam is politics or it is nothing.

"Islamic Revolution" by Bernard Lewis, January 21, 1988.

You young people yourselves are capable of performing anything. Our inventors can invent in a high level. Our innovators can innovate in a high level, only if they keep self confidence and believe that we can.

Ruhollah Khomeini's address to an audience of Iranian industry workers and inventors (October 1983), as quoted in "Imam's Sahife", Volume 18 (pp. 189-190), December 11, 1983.

There is no room for play in Islam... It is deadly serious about everything.

"Man Of The Year: Portrait of an Ascetic Despot", January 7, 1980.

In the world there is no democracy better than our democracy. Such a thing has never before been seen.

Attributed in "The Tyrants: 2500 Years of Absolute Power and Corruption" by Clive Foss, London: Quercus Publishing, (p. 195), 2006.

In Iran's future Islamic system everyone can express their opinion, and the Islamic government will respond to logic with logic.

Ruhollah Khomeini's speech on November 9, 1978, as quoted in "The Most Truthful Individual in Recent History" in "Iranshenasi", Volume XIV, No. 4, as translated by Farhad Mafie, Winter 2003.

In the Islamic Republic the rights of the religious minorities are respectfully regarded.

Interview for Austrian television in Paris (November 6, 1978), as quoted in "Democracy? I meant theocracy - The most truthful individual in recent history" by Dr. Jalal Matini and Farhad Mafie in "The Iranian", August 5, 2003.

The people will not rest until the Pahlavi rule has been swept away and all traces of tyranny have disappeared. As long as the Shah's satanic power prevails, not a single true representative of the people can possibly be elected.

Ruhollah Khomeini's response to Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's announcement of elections (August 1978), as quoted in "The Shah's Divided Land", Time Magazine, September 18, 1978.