Saint Augustine Quotes about Beauty

Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
"The Little Book of Bathroom Philosophy: Daily Wisdom from the Greatest Thinkers". Book by Gregory Bergman, 2004.
"Confessions" by Saint Augustine, Book XV, (22), (c. 397).
"The Little Book of Bathroom Philosophy: Daily Wisdom from the Greatest Thinkers". Book by Gregory Bergman, 2004.
"Theology and Discovery: Essays in honor of Karl Rahner, S.J." edited by William J. Kelly, 1980.
"Theology and Discovery: Essays in honor of Karl Rahner, S.J." edited by William J. Kelly, 1980.
I have learnt to love you late, Beauty at once so ancient and so new!
Saint Augustine (2003). “Confessions”, Penguin UK