To be under pressure is inescapable. Pressure takes place through all the world; war, siege, the worries of state. We all know men who grumble under these pressures and complain. They are cowards. They lack splendour. But there is another sort of man who is under the same pressure but does not complain, for it is the friction which polishes him. It is the pressure which refines and makes him noble
When [men] go to war, what they want is to impose on their enemies the victor's will and call it peace.
Because I do it with one small ship, I am called a terrorist. You do it with a whole fleet and are called an emperor.
The purpose of all wars, is peace.
Peace is not sought in order to provoke war, but war is waged in order to attain peace.
War should we waged without love of violence, cruelty, or enmity.
Even in waging war, cherish the spirit of peace-maker; that, by conquering those whom you attack, you may lead them back to the advantages of peace.