
Samantha Shannon Quotes

I looked at him and he looked at me. A moment. A choice. My choice. His choice.

Samantha Shannon (2013). “The Bone Season”, p.421, A&C Black

Nothing’s worse than a story without an end.

Samantha Shannon (2013). “The Bone Season”, p.316, A&C Black

I'm often daydreaming and it's because I've always liked the idea of there being something more than the normal world.

Young author Samantha Shannon faces great expectations in 'The Bone Season'" by Ashley Strickland, August 21, 2013.

I do not know what I can do for this world but I will not let any harm come to you

Samantha Shannon (2013). “The Bone Season”, p.263, A&C Black

Writing a novel is like knocking on a door that will never open. You are so desperate to get in, you will say or do anything. You feel: please take my novel.

"Samantha Shannon: 'Writing was a drug I couldn't stop taking'" by Kate Kellaway, August 10, 2013.

They'd branded me like some kind of animal. Lower than an animal. A number.

Samantha Shannon (2013). “The Bone Season”, p.108, A&C Black