Samuel Johnson Quotes about Laughter

"The Beauties of Samuel Johnson: Consisting of Maxims and Observations, Moral, Critical, and Miscellaneous".
In James Boswell 'The Life of Samuel Johnson' (1791) vol. 2, p. 404 (1775)
The size of a man's understanding might always be justly measured by his mirth.
"Johnsoniana, Or, Supplement to Boswell: Being Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson".
Samuel Johnson (1836). “Johnsoniana: Or, Supplement to Boswell: Being Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson”, p.208
Samuel Johnson (1810). “The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including the Series Edited with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical”, p.610